‘Open source a boon for research’ - The Hindu

Connotea Imports 2014-01-17


"The resources available on open access platform and open source software for statistical analysis, bibliography constructions and language supportive tools were a boon for research activities, said Sunil M.V., coordinator of a workshop on ‘Writing effective literature review’ held at SDM Institute for Management Development (SDM-IMD) here ... Procedures to search for resources available as databases and journal portals, under both subscribed and open sources, were demonstrated to the participants ... The hands-on training on open source bibliographical constructions and management tools such as Zotero, JobRef and BibMe, and an interactive session on ‘How to publish in an academic journal’ were also part of the workshop ..."



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Date tagged:

01/17/2014, 10:44

Date published:

01/17/2014, 05:44