Welcoming SpringerOpen – a new series of open access journals

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


"Articles published in SpringerOpen journals will be freely and immediately accessible online, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License. BioMed Central became part of Springer in 2008, and BioMed Central’s open access publishing expertise and technology is helping Springer to launch this new series of titles....BioMed Central’s Open Access Membership scheme, offered to institutions, societies, funders and corporations, will be extended to include the SpringerOpen titles. Articles published in SpringerOpen journals will also be sent automatically to participating institutional repositories via BioMed Central's automated SWORD deposit mechanism...."



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Connotea Imports


oa.new oa.gold oa.licensing oa.green oa.sword oa.events oa.repositories oa.libre oa.journals



Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 17:41

Date published:

06/29/2010, 21:51