Jolanta Przyłuska, Czy repozytorium zastąpi bazę bibliograficzną - doświadczenia małej wyspecjalizowanej biblioteki medycznej
Connotea Imports 2012-07-31
In Polish with an English abstract: Can a bibliographical database be replaced by a repository? Experience gained by an institutional medical library. An academic scholar usually begins the research for literature on a given topic by using the most complete bibliographical database in his/her field of interest. The next step comprises fast and simple access to the source material. Access to a large number of foreign sources, whether or not for a fee (free full text/Open Access), is not a problem. It is more difficult when the search focuses on Polish references, publications produced by a fellow scholar or sometimes the author’s own papers. Aside from computer searches he/she will need to do much else, including library visits and searches in archives, files and other places where published papers are stored. One way to solve such problems is to use a repository of digital documents. This may be a repository of a given university’s works, a subject repository or the collection of a given author. Can a bibliographical database be replaced by a repository? The author of this paper has made an attempt to answer this question with reference to experience gained by the Scientific Library of the Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Łódź, where three databases and one subject repository have been developed.