Response to the proposed themes for a 5th U.S. National Action Plan on Open Government โ€“ Governing Digital

Connotea Imports 2022-12-12


"Last week, the U.S. government posted a summary of the feedback they have heard on making government more inclusive and responsive and invited the American public to read and share these summaries, and let the White House know what we thought of them by December 9, 2022 by emailing The following is the response we sent today....

  • A new Open Government Directive issued by President Biden that explicitly requires all federal employees to embrace the spirit and principles of open government, from the administration of the Freedom of Information Act to the proactive disclosure of public information to the public in the open, accessible formats required by the Open Government Act to the responsive, collaborative approach to civic engagement and public information that Americans should expect from our public officials and civil servants. Make in press freedom and Internet freedom the planks of a bridge to the next century of access to information. Enshrine public access to public information as a defining priority of this administration, building on the foundations laid by generations past to erect an enduring architecture of open governance for our democracy...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.usa oa.psi oa.governance oa.consultations oa.foi oa.recommendations

Date tagged:

12/12/2022, 12:08

Date published:

12/12/2022, 07:08