Philosophy of Escapism in the Open Access World: Studying Author Pay Model [Journal article]

Jeffrey Beall's bookmarks 2013-05-14


Purpose - The study takes in to account the economic perspective in open access publishing. The status of the article processing charges in open access journals is explored and highlighted. Design/methodology/approach - The study is based on the analysis of journals indexed by Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and the fee structure levied by them as article processing charges (APC’s). Findings - Open access journal publishers have to evolve up a mechanism that will share the burden of the authors interested in publishing in OA journals that levy article processing charges. Research limitations/implications - The study can act as an eye opener for the publishers and associations affiliated with authors to support them and their works in making them publishable in open access journals which charge fees for article publishing. Originality/value - The study is first of its kind as it highlights the economic burden that the authors share in fee based open access publishing world.


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05/14/2013, 12:33

Date published:

05/14/2013, 08:33