Predatory Journals Lure In Arab Researchers - Al-Fanar MediaAl-Fanar Media

Jeffrey Beall's bookmarks 2015-10-13


"Predatory publishers that don’t take science seriously are exploiting those eager to climb the academic career ladder. Universities rely on publishing as a measure of a researcher’s success. Predatory publishers charge the researchers to publish their papers without providing genuine peer review. Some researchers are victims and others are willing accomplices. Some publishers seem to be aware that what they are doing is wrong and others say they’re just trying to make money by doing what big-name publishers do, but faster and more cheaply. Such publishing hacks see an opportunity to make quick money by taking advantage of researchers who seek prompt publication, says Jeffrey Beall, an academic librarian at the University of Colorado, Denver in the United States. Since 2008, Beall has curated an online list of dodgy publishers and dishonest standalone journals. He coined the term 'predatory publisher' to describe them. Several of these publishers are either based in the Arab world or are seeking out Arab researchers in search of international recognition. Predatory journals are something that Haider Sabah Kadhim, head of the microbiology department at Al-Nahrain University in Iraq, is familiar with. Kadhim says he once evaluated a candidate for promotion who submitted research from fake journals ..."


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Date tagged:

10/13/2015, 07:52

Date published:

10/13/2015, 03:52