Editorial: Impact Factors, Open Access, and 125 Years of Angewandte Chemie - Gölitz - 2012 - Angewandte Chemie International Edition - Wiley Online Library
Jeffrey Beall's bookmarks 2012-09-19
Use the link to access the full text editorial opening as follows: "First, the good news: next year, Angewandte Chemie will reach its 125th anniversary. For this occasion, the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (German Chemical Society, GDCh), the journal owners, together with its publishers Wiley-VCH, are holding an Anniversary Symposium in Berlin on Tuesday March 12, 2013. Presentations will be given by eleven renowned speakers, including three Nobel Prize laureates (see Table 1 and the advertisement in this issue; further information can be found on the website http://angewandte.org/symposium). Directly after the Symposium there will be a buffet reception, to which all participants are invited. The lecture hall accommodates more than 1000 attendees, and we are very much looking forward to a great celebration..."
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.201206849/fullFrom feeds:
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