Plan S, ein Meilenstein für Open Access | Archivalia
Klausgraf's bookmarks 2018-09-05
Plan S, a milestone for Open Access
After the first dry announcement yesterday, a short comment: Milestone for Open Science: Research funds commit to Open Access, titles Heise rightly. After the many disappointments of recent years, it is understandable that the decisive announcement of the major European research funding agencies (unfortunately without the DFG, which remains trapped in the Reuss shock) has been received almost euphorically.
Since I myself have considerable reservations about Green Open Access, I am not convinced by the criticism. Green means de facto: yawning empty repositories, embargos, few publisher versions, hardly any libre Open Access. If green is to mean more as a future model than non-commercial preprint servers, one would have to find a lot of VoR (version of record) in them without embargos with CC-BY. Why should this suddenly work?
Plan S is a bold vision for the near future (2020) that I support.
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