Warum die freie Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) für Wissenschaftsblogs wichtig ist | Redaktionsblog

Klausgraf's bookmarks 2013-11-05


[From Google's English] "The editorial team of de.hypotheses.org also recommends other science blogs the most liberal CC license CC-BY. Why? (( 1 )) ... CC-BY is the gold standard of open access ... In 2003, when the Berlin Declaration on Open Access was adopted, there were the Creative Commons licenses shortly. The organization Creative Commons (CC) was founded in 2001.  Since then, the CC licenses have started a true triumph. Since at Open Access is not just about the free providing scientifically relevant results and data (so-called free open access), but also to the widest possible reuse options (libre Open Access), standardized rights transfers is required (free licenses are legally speaking deals on copyright use agreements). The open-access community is largely agreed that the CC-BY most likely corresponds to what the creators envisioned the three relevant Open Access definitions of Budapest, Bethesda and Berlin. Set 10 years after the Budapest Open Access Initiative, 2001, the follow-up conference unequivocally : 'We recommend CC-BY or to equivalent license as the optimal license for the publication, distribution, use, and reuse of scholarly work.' In fact all journals the leading open-access publishers PLoS, BMC and Hindawi with CC-BY license.  If science blogs in terms of open access will be oriented to the science, they must adopt CC-BY. Make all Research Results CC-BY! ..."



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Klausgraf's bookmarks
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » abernard102@gmail.com


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Date tagged:

11/05/2013, 21:26

Date published:

11/05/2013, 09:54