Metric of the Open Access Repository Ranking (OARR)'s bookmarks 2014-09-14


"The metric of OARR lies at the core of the idea of the ranking. The OARR metric is to evaluate open access repositories according to the assets of their service providing a benchmark for repository operators, funders and researcher alike. It is not the aim and can never be to evaluate the content of the listed repositories. Due to the ever changing challenges in the development of open access repositories a metric cannot be static. Future versions of the OARR metric will therefore be different to the current one and most probably more complex. To make the development and design of the OARR metric as open and transparent as possible you can read all criteria, definitions and respective Scores of the current metric; track the changes that were made from one version to another; contribute your ideas to the metric; see the next version of the OARR metric ... To be listed in OARR the following definition must be met by an open access repository:  The Open Access Repository Ranking includes open access repositories located in Germany that are institutional or disciplinary providing (in the majority of cases) full-text open access scientific publications together with descriptive metadata through a GUI (with search/browse functionality). The repositories are registered with a functioning and harvestable base URL (using OAI-PMH) in the Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE). OARR covers neither digital collections, research data repositories nor repositories from publishers, university presses and commercial services ..."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) »'s bookmarks
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) »


oa.metrics oa.impact oa.base oa.oai-pmh oa.metadata oa.repositories.disciplinary oa.germany oa.rankings ru.sparc oa.repositories

Date tagged:

09/14/2014, 08:29

Date published:

09/14/2014, 10:08