Jisc Monitor and User Engagement | Jisc Monitor

pontika.nancy@gmail.com's bookmarks 2014-10-17


"As has been outlined and discussed in previous blog posts, the potential success for the Jisc Monitor pilot rests with receiving robust feedback and collaborative efforts from many interested parties.  To that end, we put together two workshops, focusing on the four use cases we are developing into prototypes, which we will then subsequently test over the coming months.  The first workshop back in July of 2014 covered areas of monitoring total publication activity for an institution as well as monitoring funder compliance.  The collaboration then moved on through a series of fortnightly webinars, hosted by Jisc Collections and run by David Kay, Ian Chowcat, Ian Ibbotson, Richard Jones, and Owen Stephens. A second workshop was then run in September 2014 at the Jisc London offices with a focus on the next set of use cases: total spend and developing improved interoperability to deliver more efficient data exchange.  Additional webinars were also offered on the 1st and 15th of October, and then a third scheduled for the 5th of November, with a third workshop focusing on costing and APCs set for the 28th of October.  In all instances, the intent continues to be to gather and validate user requirements, and our attendance at the Repository Fringe in Edinburgh session captured additional requirements. A requirements catalogue will be updated with costing and standardisation information shortly.  In addition, the development team is working toward creating a web-based version of that catalogue. The recordings from the 1st of October 2014 follow-on webinar and the one from the 15th of October 2014 (both for the second sprint) are now available ..."



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Date tagged:

10/17/2014, 11:08

Date published:

10/17/2014, 13:38