Open Access (OA) Seminar for Research administrators | Foster's bookmarks 2014-11-10


"The overall objective for the Open Access Seminar for Research Administrators at Aarhus University is to focus on Open Access and give a broader and more nuanced insight into this politically complicated area. In Spring there was a decision in Denmark from the Ministry of Higher Education and Science to establish a National Steering Committee supporting Open Access with representatives from universities. The National Steering Committee has formulated a National Strategy for Open Access. The vision is to create free access for all citizens, researchers and companies to all research articles from Danish research institutions financed by public authorities and/or private foundations. There are different attitudes towards Open Access among Research Administrators. They are aware of the increasing demands for Open Access from funding bodies including Horizon 2020 and ERC. However they still have various concerns, which we need to address: Will it be too time consuming for researchers, will the citations be given to the right version of the article, are Open Access journals inferior in quality etc."


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Date tagged:

11/10/2014, 11:57

Date published:

11/10/2014, 06:57