Open Video Lecture: „Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis“'s bookmarks 2015-04-22
[From Google's English] "The Open Science Lab (OSL) of the Technical Information Library (TIB) invites on Wednesday, February 11, 2015, by 14 clock to the 60-minute Open Video Lecture 'Good scientific practice' a. Birgit Schmidt and Margo Bargheer, both from the Lower Saxony State and University Library (SUB Göttingen), type in the online seminar useful tips and tricks to good scientific practice. contents of the Open Video Lecture - What is scientific misconduct and what types are there? - How to define academic institutions and research funders such as the DFG the term 'Good scientific practice'? Following the presentation, the participants can address theoretical or purely practical questions directly to the experts ..."