Open Data Gesetz soll Wirtschaft stärken | webmagazin's bookmarks 2015-04-26
[From Google's English] "Data from authorities to the purposes of open data made publicly reinforced. Above all, the economy could greatly benefit from this measure. This data can be used in the public sector in the future, without a special permit must be obtained. The Federal Cabinet today a corresponding bill to amend the information re-use law decided (IWG). The bill is intended to implement the new EU rules on the re-use of public sector information in German law. In democracies, public authorities are ministers of the population. Thus, the people have a right to know also what you paid on his behalf, measured, collected, built to prevent or agreed. The digitized disclosure of that information in the form of open data, shows how technological progress can strengthen democratic structures. However, the bill is intended to strengthen the economy ..."