Pays-Bas : Elsevier et les universités parviennent finalement à un accord - Les univers du livre's bookmarks 2015-12-12


[From Google's English] "Starting in November 2014, part of the Dutch research community organized a large boycott of Elsevier, the more confident that the country's government supported them fully. The dispute is rooted in the very functioning of scientific publications: that their study is taken seriously and obtain a minimum of visibility, researchers devote part of their budget to the purchase of a publication space in a magazine, possibly the most prestigious. Once their published work, other researchers access them through the subscription of their university library has purchased.   The problem is that this system seems outdated, in the opinion of many members of the scientific community: first, this system of double payment is particularly misleading, especially when it comes to studies funded by public funds. In addition, the open access activists point out that such access would promote research, facilitating the dissemination of knowledge."


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Tags: oa.comment oa.elsevier oa.publishers oa.business_models oa.economics_of oa.vsnu oa.universities oa.netherlands oa.mandates oa.finnish ru.sparc15 oa.hei oa.policies

Date tagged:

12/12/2015, 08:37

Date published:

12/12/2015, 03:16