Elsevier agreement in principle on Open Access - UM Library - Maastricht University

pontika.nancy@gmail.com's bookmarks 2015-12-12


"On Thursday 10 December 2015, Dutch Universities and Elsevier reached an agreement in principle on Open Access (OA) and continued subscription access. The Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU) and scientific information provider Elsevier have reached an agreement comprising access to the Elsevier collection of approx. 2000 scientific journals and the opportunity to publish articles OA in a set of journals, without additional costs for the researcher submitting the article. The agreement has a duration of 3 years, starting 1 January 2016 ..."



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » abernard102@gmail.com
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » pontika.nancy@gmail.com's bookmarks


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Date tagged:

12/12/2015, 09:00

Date published:

12/12/2015, 03:18