Dutch universities reach Open Access agreement with Elsevier | Univers

pontika.nancy@gmail.com's bookmarks 2015-12-12


"After a year of negotiations, the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU) has reached an agreement with Elsevier about new ‘big deals’, subscriptions to scientific journals. By 2018, 30 percent of the Elsevier articles written by Dutch scientists have to be freely available, without a pay wall. Tilburg University president Koen Becking has handled the negotiations with publishers for the VSNU, together with his Nijmegen colleague Gerard Meijer. Elsevier is market leader in scientific publications. Until now, the publisher was reluctant to take away the pay walls on its content. The VSNU demanded Open Access, in accordance with the Dutch government’s wish ..."



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Date tagged:

12/12/2015, 09:02

Date published:

12/12/2015, 03:19