Press release: European Copyright Communication - Will the Commission keep its promises? - OpenForum Europe's bookmarks 2015-12-13
"Specifically concerning text and data mining (TDM), allowing organisations to mine content to which they have lawful access is a request that various stakeholders have often expressed. We are however concerned by the fact that the Commission seems to be limiting these permitted mining activities to ‘public interest research organisations’ and to ‘scientific purposes’. The Communication does not address the cases of citizens, scientists and companies, and also leaves unaddressed the fact that much scientific research today happens in partnerships with private companies or is funded from public-private funds. OFE expects that the legislative proposals which are to be published in the spring of 2016 will include a mandatory TDM exception (as currently promised by the Commission), and that the Commission’s intention to “take into account the relevant […] licensing practices” will not nullify recognition of the principle “the right to read is the right to mine”, reflected in the current Communication...."
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