New HEFCE Policy on Open Access – Just over 3 months to go! | Library News's bookmarks 2015-12-17


"With just over 3 months to go, the countdown is on to 1st April 2016 when HEFCE’s policy for open access in the post-2014 REF will be implemented. Non-compliance with the policy will mean that papers are not eligible for assessment and will be given an unclassified score. In brief HEFCE have mandated green open access. The policy has two major parts: a requirement to deposit final peer-reviewed manuscripts of journal articles and conference proceedings into an institutional repository or subject repository within three months of publication; and a requirement that papers are made open access as soon as possible after publication and do not exceed the embargo limits (12 months REF Main Panels A & B; 24 months REF Main Panels C & D). The policy will apply to all manuscripts accepted for publication from 1 April 2016 but you are encouraged to start uploading your accepted papers now to Pure ..."


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Tags: oa.comment oa.hefce oa.ref oa.funders oa.mandates oa.compliance ru.sparc15 oa.repositories oa.policies

Date tagged:

12/17/2015, 07:44

Date published:

12/17/2015, 03:45