Fraunhofer Open Access-Strategie 2020's bookmarks 2015-12-19



[Form Google's English] Fraunhofer Open Access-Strategie 2020Outstanding research and the implementation of innovations in the economy and society "

are the fun-Fraunhofer Open Access 2020

dations of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. Therefore, research performance is always in excellent quality in the mission statement

the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft firmly anchored and indispensable for all Fraunhofer Institutes. The immediate  and timely exchange of research results is require mandatory for the promotion of innovation

sary. The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is therefore pursuing UN in the publication of research results

restricted the principle of Open Access.

Open Access includes free and long-term access to scientific results and scientific

nomic literature. One differentiates between Open Access Gold (initial publication in recognized,

peer-reviewed open access journals) and Green Open Access (free republication parallel

or delayed in time in an institutional or professional repository after Erstveröffent-

lichung by the traditional method). Together the two Open Access is variants that texts and

Objects are made ​​digitally accessible.  Full pursued within the meaning of Open Science-thought and promoted this strategy, the aim of science and

their results of a larger number of people to make more easily accessible. The scientific be

economic and legal interests of researchers, the protection of personal data and

Obligations to third parties - such as customers and partners - strictly observed ..."


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Tags: oa.german ru.sparc25 oa.germany oa.policies oa.repositories oa.journals

Date tagged:

12/19/2015, 08:50

Date published:

12/19/2015, 03:49