UNIVERSITY BASED OPEN ACCESS PUBLISHING: State of Play's bookmarks 2015-12-19
[From the Executive Summary] "This!report,!prepared for SPARC!Europe, sketches!the!landscape!of!university+based!not+for+ profit! publishing! in! Europe! with! a! primary! focus! on! open! access! publishing! of! journals.! It! provides! a! view! of!the! different! types! of! initiatives! in! terms! of!their!size,! operational! and! business! models,! technologies! used,! stakeholder! involvement,! concentration! of! scientific! fields,! growth,! as! well! as! regional! characteristics and! recommendations! for! SPARC! Europe! and!DOAJ.! The! report! attests! to! a rich! and! continuously! evolving! ecology! of! open! access! publishing! initiatives! in! universities! in! Europe! and! elsewhere ..."
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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » abernard102@gmail.comOpen Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) »'s bookmarks