Hurray! Open access is now recognized in the Dutch Copyright Act. So what’s next? | Open access newsletter | Open access | Services | University of Groningen Library | Top 100 University | University of Groningen's bookmarks 2015-12-31
"On 1 July 2015, Dutch copyright law incorporated an article about open access. It supports Green open access. The author of a short academic work, the research for which has been paid for in whole or in part by Dutch public funds, is now entitled to make that work available via open access following a reasonable period of time after the work is first published. This provision has retroactive effect and thus applies to all academic articles written in the past too . An English translation of the new copyright contract act can be found here . In my view, we still need an institutional policy statement on copyright to promote green open access. Such a policy statement would make it even clearer that the institution supports the new bargaining power of the author. Moreover, it would help authors to take the next step and exercise their new right. Esther Hoorn The new Article 25 fa Aw provides a framework for a balanced approach: the right only applies to publicly funded, short articles after a reasonable embargo period. Each publisher has its own policy on what they consider to be reasonable. In the early days of open access repositories, the University of Nottingham started the Sherpa-Romeo website , which gathered these policies together. How can researchers influence this policies? ..."
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