LERU calls on researchers to sign Open Access statement - University of Amsterdam

pontika.nancy@gmail.com's bookmarks 2016-01-06


"The League of European Research Universities (LERU), the association of 21 research-intensive universities of which the UvA has been a member since 2006, is calling on researchers to sign a statement urging the European Commission and the EU to move forward on Open Access. European universities pay publishers a significant share of their university budget – money which cannot be spent on education or research. As Harvard University already denounced in 2012, these costs are becoming ‘fiscally unsustainable and academically restrictive’ for many universities. Prof. Kurt Deketelaere, Secretary-General of LERU, calls on the European Commission and the forthcoming Dutch EU Presidency to work with all stakeholders involved to make Open Access publishing a reality ..."



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Date tagged:

01/06/2016, 14:21

Date published:

01/06/2016, 09:21