Open Thinking: Populismus und Arbeit, Tafeln und #OER, bei OpenEd von #ununitv wurden die brüchigen Fäden betrachtet.'s bookmarks 2016-01-07
"Sometimes, but only sometimes it's better in retrospect, of #ununitv not to be involved directly live in an opened-date, so today with me, because, like many others perhaps, appointments prevented. For me, a godsend, because very relaxed I could immerse themselves in the 40 minutes from opened with the theme 'Helps populism against poverty'. Anja C. Wagner of had Stefan Selke, Matthias Rohs and Markus Deimann invited and from my 'I sniff times in' was a tense listening, because of a combination of panels and OER I had, as probably many others also, so far not thought of. That here but, as Stefan Selke is named, true dynamite is, is talking obviously. The fact that OER thus also the political issue of education not remain unaffected, is a pragmatic, yet thought-provoking way therefore, and the statement by Matthias Rohs, to put on a culture of trust because a of confidence, so that spoke to me fully from the heart . I recommend to get involved in this 40-minute journey to new inspiring ideas ..."