e4qualityinnovationandlearning: Towards a Nordic Alliance for Open Education
pontika.nancy@gmail.com's bookmarks 2016-01-07
" ... These developments have been the starting point for a Nordic initiative on promoting and utilizing Open Education in the Nordic countries with a focus on creating a strong base for OER and Open Educational Practices (OEP) amongst the Nordic countries and in the Nordic region, also with a global outreach in mind. The Nordic countries have the potential to become a forerunner in OEP and the use of OER activities in Europe. The Nordic OER Alliance is a network of individuals representing stakeholders and institutions supporting uptake, adoption and collaboration around Open Education Resources. The Alliance will have a 3 - 5 year perspective, and is now planning actions to sustain a broad awareness, knowledge building and networking platform. The main objectives of the group are: To contribute in utilizing OER for educational development in the Nordic countries and to enable and support collaborative actions in these countries To contribute to global educational development To support the implementation of the Paris OER Declaration and future EU OER initiatives in the Nordic countries To analyse opportunities and barriers for a successful implementation of the Paris Declaration as well as current EU strategies in order to provide guidance for policy makers in governments, institutions and organisations To build and exchange knowledge on OER and OEP in the Nordic Region as a basis for good practices, inspiration for policy building and policy implementation ..."