Konstanzer Juristenfakultät verweigert sich der Plicht zur Zweitveröfentlichung
pontika.nancy@gmail.com's bookmarks 2016-03-20
Scroll to pp. 135-136. From Google's English: "Since 2014 there § 38 paragraph 4 scientific copyright law Authors have the right to Zweitveröfentlichung. Are their contributions for at least for Keeps funded with öfentlichen funds research emerged, they can these twelve Months after Erstveröfentlichung in a Zeitschrit make it universally accessible öfentlich. § 44 Paragraph 6 of the revised State Higher Education Act Baden-Württemberg has the use of this Rech to made cockpit: The universities in the state to the Members of their know chat union staff by Statutes shall undertake, the right to Zweitveröfentlichung perceive wissenschatlicher posts. they can regulate this case that the Zweitveröfentlichung on one of them reproached repository takes place. The University of Konstanz is this Auforderung of Legislature complied. According to § 2 paragraph 2 of its Statute of 10 December 2015, the relevant Posts twelve months following initial publication on the university's own repository öfentlichen accessible to make. has against this cockpit to Zweitveröfentlichung the Faculty of Law of the University of knowledge Chat Konstanz with a letter from the department spokesperson Prof. Dr. Hans heal from 1 February 2016, the Rector turned: ..."