Lawsuit against Open Access Constitution / Konstanzer Hochschullehrer pull in court /'s bookmarks 2016-11-25


From Google's Engish: "17 University lecturers from the University of Konstanz have submitted to the Administrative Court of Mannheim a complaint against the Open Access Constitution of the University. As the university itself reports, scientists in the university's practice of obliging their scientists to use the right to second publication see a breach of the fundamental right to freedom of science (Article 5 (3) Basic Law)....

The University of Konstanz was set on 10 December 2015 "Statute for the exercise of scientific republication law" in force undertook its scientists to perceive the so-called right to self-archiving: All scientific papers published in journals and At least half of which are financed from public funds, should be freely made available to the public a year after the publication of the first publication and made public and free of charge via the Konstanzer publications server KOPS...."


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Tags: oa.germany oa.german oa.litigation oa.legislation oa.negative oa.mandates oa.repositories oa.policies

Date tagged:

11/25/2016, 16:04

Date published:

11/25/2016, 11:04