Nationale Open-Access-Strategie für die Schweiz: Aktionsplan's bookmarks 2018-03-07


Google English: "National Open Access Strategy for Switzerland: Action Plan.

Adopted on 8 February 2018 by the Plenary Assembly of swissuniversities. Approved by the University Council of the Swiss University Conference on 23 February 2018.

Executive Summary: The aim of the present action plan is to provide Swiss universities with opportunities and solutions that will enable them to achieve the objectives they have set by adopting the national Open Access Strategy for Switzerland [1]. In concrete terms, this means the current situation (2015), in which 30% of the 33,600 publications of Swiss universities are published as Open Access - 16% as Green Open Access (or self-archiving), 11% as Gold Open Access and 3% after a hybrid model [2] - to move to a situation that corresponds to the Vision 2024, according to which 100% of the publications of the Swiss universities must be Open Access."



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » ab1630's bookmarks

Tags: oa.german oa.switzerland oa.mandates oa.universities oa.repositories oa.hei oa.policies oa.journals

Date tagged:

03/07/2018, 10:30

Date published:

03/07/2018, 05:30