Der 3. Korb des Urheberrechtsgesetzes - Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels - Bundesverband's bookmarks 2013-09-27
[From Google's English] "The copyright is evolving in the digital age. The recent reforms that accompanied the Börsenverein by intense lobbying: [1] In 2003, the so-called first Basket of copyright amendment adopted in 2008 followed by the second Basket [2] Meanwhile, the Federal Ministry of Justice has completed its third round of hearings on the proposed amendment. A draft bill is expected to be in 2012. In the hearings on the third basket far, the following topics were discussed: [1] Limitation of the private copy for copies only from the original [2] Prohibition of making a private copy by third parties [3] Secondary exploitation rights for authors of scientific papers (Open Access) [4] Extension of § 52b Copyright Act to 'other institutions' [5] Lifting of the ban by sending an electronic copy libraries [6]Control options for orphan works [7] Obligation to deposit with statutory remuneration claims ... Opinions of the Booksellers Association ... The Booksellers Association takes a stand in the copyright debate - and is committed to the political level for the interests of its members. Three papers make clear the attitude of the Booksellers Association in the current debate represents: [1] A detailed statement of the Booksellers Association to discuss the new regulations the 3rdBasket can be here to retrieve. [2] The Alliance of German Science Organisations calls for a secondary publication rights for scientific authors and the introduction of a general science barrier - this is something we have a detailed opinion responding, which you can read. [3] The German Bundestag has the Commission of Inquiry Internet and Digital Society used. How can the framework of the information society in Germany further improved? For this, the Commission should make recommendations for action. End of 2010, was an expert hearing on 'development of copyright law in the digital society'. We have to a written opinion given, which shows you what this is about."