Börsenverein will Neuanfang in der Open-Access-Diskussion - buchreport - Nachrichten VerlageNachrichten aus der Buch- und Medienbranche, Marktanalysen und SPIEGEL- Bestseller

pontika.nancy@gmail.com's bookmarks 2013-11-24


[From Google's English] "(Ten years after the 'Berlin Declaration on Open Access to scientific information' read here ) of the Max Planck Societywants the Börsenverein improve the dialogue between publishers and scientific organizations at the Open Access issue. The publisher practice thereby also in self-criticism.

'It took us too long to realize that open access is desired by many customers and it is our job, but to make high-quality and sustainable products,' explains Matthias Ulmer , chairman of the Publishers' Committee in the Booksellers Association, in a press release. Today, Open Access will no longer rejected by the majority of scientific publishers, but offered (as examples, among others , De Gruyter, Thieme, Wiley VCH, Springer called), they could see themselves increasingly as a service partner because as a gatekeeper in the publication process. There were now many models in which science and publishers could work together constructively and should ... Against this background, the Booksellers Association aims to stimulate a 'new beginning' in collaboration with the scientific organizations. Together should be clarified open questions. The Association lists the following challenges:  What are meaningful hybrid models without 'double dipping' (meaning the two-time figures of content) from?  How can quality assurance and referenceability be organized and secured in the scientific publishing?  How can open-access models for the Humanities open?  What financing models are useful in the future for science and its publications?"



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » abernard102@gmail.com


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Date tagged:

11/24/2013, 12:02

Date published:

11/24/2013, 07:02