Petition | Halten Sie am Plan der Open-Access-Förderung im neuen Landeshochschulgesetz fest! |'s bookmarks 2014-01-23


[From Google's English] "You are about to take a step in the right direction. You want to commit to a recasting of the State Higher Education Act, the scientific personnel, reserving the right to a non-commercial republication. This secondary use is to (possibly) be in 'the university's own repositories'. In contrast, stimulates from common side resistance. Do not listen to these voices! Stick to your plan to force Forscher_innen for Open Access option! ... Who wants to make a career, who wants to make reasoned hopes for permanent positions, must publish in the 'large, high impact journals'.  But this just does not make for an all-encompassing possible dissemination of the newly gained knowledge, but to the contrary in most cases.  That is: Who wants to make a career, must refrain from new-found knowledge with the opportunities of the 21st Century make all people around the world accessible to, and must instead accept that others make on their own work by making publicly-funded studies on a Exklusivgut and make only a few, Library Use ligand or pay a lot of money ends accessible.  Finally: Who wants to make a career, should not feel obligated to the ideals of science ..."


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Date tagged:

01/23/2014, 07:57

Date published:

01/23/2014, 02:58