Urheberrecht in der Wissenschaft: Für Fairness und Ausgewogenheit - Forschung und Lehre - FAZ
pontika.nancy@gmail.com's bookmarks 2012-08-08
From Google's English: "The aim of the legislative efforts to re-amend the Copyright Act ("third basket") must therefore be reliable, transparent, easily enforceable and fair legal framework for the scientific work of published information....From a scientific perspective, this means not only to solve the problems described, but also set a secondary publication rights to articles and published works as a salaried mandatory rule in copyright law. With such a contractually mandatory law, the position of scientific authorship to all publishers would be strengthened recognizable. This should be a reasonable scientific authors to embargo period of six months and give them the opportunity to decide for themselves about the degree of visibility of their research results. The embargo period would ensure that publishers can work economically."