Informationsplattform Open Access: Information on Open Access and copyright for universities of applied sciences

pampel's bookmarks 2021-09-01


As part of the BMBF-funded project, the Helmholtz Open Science Office, in cooperation with universities of applied sciences throughout Germany, has organised a total of 16 regional events for scientists in the workshop series "Introduction to Open Access and Copyright". Between September 2020 and May 2021, participants in the online workshops were able to deepen their knowledge of Open Access to scientific publications and copyright law and discuss examples of use from their own practice. The management of the host universities also made use of the offer for advisory talks on topics such as the introduction of an OA guideline, the integration of OA into publication workflows or the establishment of a fund for OA publication fees at the university.


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » pampel's bookmarks

Tags: oa.germany oa.copyright oa.universities oa.hei

Date tagged:

09/01/2021, 07:46

Date published:

09/01/2021, 03:46