98th Helmholtz Open Science Newsletter
pampel's bookmarks 2023-06-22
98th Helmholtz Open Science Newsletter
Issue of June 21, 2023
Dear Open Science enthusiasts,
This is the latest issue of the Helmholtz Open Science Newsletter brought to you by the Helmholtz Open Science Office. With this newsletter, we provide you with a regular overview of the most important open science developments. We appreciate you forwarding this newsletter to anyone interested.
1.G7 Science Ministers Emphasize the Relevance of Open Science
2. Open Science Strategies Adopted in Spain and Italy
3. EU Member States Emphasize the Role of Science-led Open Access Models Beyond APCs
4. Federal and State Guideline on Open Access
5. AGU Publishes Guidelines for the Ethical Use of AI in the Earth and Space Sciences
6. Guidelines for the Development and Distribution of Software at Forschungszentrum Jülich
7. Consultation on the Planned Research Data Act: Statements Published
8. Launch of Dialog Platform and Social Media of PID Network Germany
9. Retrospective: Helmholtz Open Science Forum “Scholar-Led Publishing at Helmholtz”
10. Retrospective: Helmholtz Open Science Forum “Research Evaluation, Reputation Systems, and Openness”
11. Retrospective: Transform2Open Workshop on Cost Monitoring
12. Retrospective on Activities about Reproducibility in Research
13. Retrospective: 4th Helmholtz Open Science Forum on Research Software
14. Retrospective BiblioCon 2023: Broad Participation of Helmholtz Open Science Office
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