New Website Offers Public Safety and Emergency Response Apps

Homeland Security Digital Library Blog 2013-04-26


The Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) International launched the new website Application Community or AppComm. This website is dedicated to public safety and emergency response apps for use by the general public, app developers, and first responders.

AppComm is the single, trusted online forum where public safety professionals, the general public, and app developers can rate and comment on apps, submit ideas for new apps to serve public safety needs, and suggest additional apps for inclusion on the site. AppComm provides clickable links to download the apps from external developer websites and app stores.”

The website has an “initial listing of 60 apps selected by APCO staff that are intended to be representative of the value and diversity of existing public safety apps.”

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Date tagged:

04/26/2013, 21:00

Date published:

04/26/2013, 19:35