The Growing Crisis: Scholarly Publishing Pressures Facing Health Sciences Libraries
Connotea: stevehit's bookmarks matching tag 2013-01-11
The Growing Crisis: Scholarly Publishing Pressures Facing Health Sciences LibrariesKaren Butter et al.
Journal of Library Administration 52 (8), 672-98 (12 Dec 2012)
Abstract: Health sciences librarians work within a complex environment, one that quickly adopted access to electronic resources. The open access movement evolved as an alternative to traditional publishing as prices for STM e-journals steadily increased, but it also raised issues and concerns for authors within the more traditional biomedical culture. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Public Access policy provided an opportunity to support researchers’ compliance with the policy, while advocating for open access and author rights. As an outgrowth of the NIH policy, health sciences libraries have promoted open access through a variety of activities within their academic health centers.