Design and Development of Institutional Repository at Annamalai University
Connotea: stevehit's bookmarks matching tag 2013-01-15
A Dhanabalan and R Ponnudurai
Journal of Advances in Library and Information Science 1 (4), 160-4 (2012)
Abstract: To describe how an Institutional repository (IR) has to be setup for the intellectual thought content and output of an institution. This is now recognized as essential infrastructure for the ICT era. Nowadays, Universities are producing more digital objects like research articles, reports, thesis, Audio/Video, clippings and datasets in ever increasing number. Many Libraries are building up their own Institutional repository centre using a variety of software packages for digital asset and content management to collect, preserve and provide access, to its users to these digital objects. This paper is the result of an effort to develop a model to create IR of Annamalai University by Using Dspace.
Posted by stevehit to pep.repositories pep.biblio oa.repositories on Tue Jan 15 2013 at 09:36 UTC | info | related