Serviços de difusão de políticas para o acesso aberto: Sherpa/Juliet, Melibea e ROARMAP
Connotea: stevehit's bookmarks matching tag 2013-01-22
"Dissemination Services of Open Access Policies: Sherpa/Juliet, Melibea and Roarmap. Abstract: This article discusses the diffusion of policies for promoting open access to scientific information. The creation of these policies is essential for institutions to ensure the implementation of strategies that aim to make scientific publications available. Research institutions are the major producers of information. The expansion of the processes of socialization of knowledge in these environments contributes to the optimization of scientific communication. The diffusion services of the policies for this purpose are intended to make their policies and initiatives known. Therefore, its analysis shows the importance to increase knowledge about these services by identifying its benefits and shortcomings, so that they can be improved and substantiate the creation of new services. We conducted a comparative study of the Sherpa/Juliet, Melibea ROARMAP services and generated a current overview of what is offered by each of them, highlighting their similarities and specificities. It was also observed, that those services meet their goals and provide subsidies for the creation of new policies in this context." Posted by stevehit to pep.impact pep.biblio on Tue Jan 22 2013