Introducing BDJ Open, the new open access journal from Nature Publishing Group and the British Dental Association | STM Publishing

Omega Alpha | Open Access 2015-03-15


"Nature Publishing Group (NPG) and the British Dental Association (BDA) are pleased to announce the launch of BDJ Open, a new open access journal which will publish dental and oral health research from all disciplines. BDJ Open will publish scientifically sound, open research to complement the British Dental Journal, the UK’s leading dental journal and the official journal of the BDA. NPG also publishes BDJ Team, BDJ Student, Evidence-Based Dentistry, and BDJ In Practice on behalf of the BDA. The online-only journal will be published via open access, which means that all research will be freely available upon publication, and can be accessed by anyone, from research scientists to practising dentists and patients. The Editor-in-Chief is Stephen Hancocks OBE, current Editor in Chief of the British Dental Journal ..."


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03/15/2015, 09:49

Date published:

03/15/2015, 05:49