American Chemical Society Dives Deeper Into Open Access With The Debut of ACS Omega | Chemical & Engineering News

Omega Alpha | Open Access 2015-12-16


"The American Chemical Society will push further into open access publishing in 2016 with the launch of ACS Omega, a pay-to-publish, free-to-read multidisciplinary journal. The peer-reviewed journal is the society’s second fully open access title. ACS Central Science, a highly selective, multidisciplinary journal launched in 2015, is free to both authors and readers. ACS also offers authors the ability to pay fees to make their articles in the society’s other, subscription-based journals freely available as open access. Unlike ACS’s other journals, however, ACS Omega will not count the perceived impact or significance of the results in a submitted manuscript among its publication criteria. Publication decisions will be based solely on whether the science in the submitted article is technically sound, says Penelope Lewis, director of editorial development of the ACS journals publishing division ..."


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12/16/2015, 11:48

Date published:

12/16/2015, 06:48