News - Nominations now open for the OLH Library Board

Omega Alpha | Open Access 2023-06-05


"As part of our 2023-2030 plan for sustainable growth of the OLH, we are pleased to announce that the OLH Library Board is being re-constituted as one of three elected Advisory Boards. 

As a strictly not-for-profit publisher with no shareholders, the OLH exists purely for the intellectual and academic good of the research that we publish. This mission is shared by hundreds of stakeholders who work closely with us in extending diamond open access to the humanities – including scholars, librarians, students, other publishers, and open-source activists. We are governed by a Board of Trustees and three advisory boards: the Academic Advisory Board, the Library Board and the Publishing Technology Board. The boards meet bi-annually to review the OLH’s overall performance, discuss research and development for different user groups, vote on strategic and operational issues, and liaise with relevant stakeholders...."


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06/05/2023, 09:39

Date published:

06/05/2023, 05:39