Ten Things I Hate About Jeb's Antiregulatory Regulatory Reform Plan

Center for Progressive Reform 2015-10-13


Consistent with his ongoing efforts to distinguish himself among the Republican presidential candidates as a serious "policy wonk," Jeb Bush, "rolled out" his "regulatory reform" plan last week. The sad truth, though, is that the plan contains little of what might be considered sober or intellectually rigorous. Rather, it is simply a mishmash of warmed over ideas from candidate Mitt Romney's 2012 regulatory reform plan and from the various antiregulatory bills that have been festering in Congress the last several years, all served on a wilted bed of misleading data, astounding leaps of logic, and outright falsehoods.



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James Goodwin

Date tagged:

10/13/2015, 18:09

Date published:

10/05/2015, 15:07