Obama?s ?Path to Progress? Looking Forward: Much to Do and Little Time to Do It

Center for Progressive Reform 2015-12-22


In a post last week, I noted that, over the last year, the Obama Administration has finalized all or part of several of the 13 regulatory actions highlighted in a 2014 Center for Progressive Reform report challenging the President to focus renewed energy during the remainder of his term on securing critical new protections for people and the environment. But the President's to-do list isn't finished, and for the remaining regulatory actions on the list, progress has been modest or, in some cases, apparently non-existent. Each of these regulatory actions, if completed, would likewise contribute to President Obama's increasingly impressive body of work on public safeguards, which when taken as a whole is making our air and water healthier, our homes and workplaces safer, and our environment better protected against irreversible degradation. In contrast, to leave this work unfinished would be - to borrow a sports cliche - the equivalent of leaving points out on the field.



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James Goodwin

Date tagged:

12/22/2015, 16:50

Date published:

12/02/2015, 13:36