Opinion analysis: The justices' purpose-full reading of the Clean Water Act

Center for Progressive Reform 2020-04-24


On April 23, 2020, the Supreme Court ruled, 6-3, that the Clean Water Act requires a permit when a point source of pollution adds pollutants to navigable waters through groundwater, if this addition of pollutants is "the functional equivalent of a direct discharge" from the source into navigable waters. Perhaps the most striking feature of Justice Stephen Breyer's opinion for the majority is its interpretive method. The opinion reads like something from a long-ago period of statutory interpretation, before statutory decisions regularly made the central meaning of complex laws turn on a single word or two and banished legislative purpose to the interpretive fringes.



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Lisa Heinzerling

Date tagged:

04/24/2020, 14:48

Date published:

04/24/2020, 11:15