State Energy Policy and the Commerce Clause: Spotlight on Colorado and Minnesota

Center for Progressive Reform 2014-05-22


Within the past month, two federal district courts - one in Colorado and one in Minnesota - have issued important decisions on the constitutionality of state clean energy policies. Both cases raised the same legal issue, namely, whether the state laws in question regulate extraterritorially in violation of the dormant Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution. But the courts reached different results in each case and, more importantly, the Minnesota and Colorado policies reviewed by each court were quite different from each other even though both involved efforts to promote clean energy within the state. Some of the recent commentary on the two cases has downplayed the significant differences between the two state policies in question, leading to confusion about the implications of the courts' rulings.


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Alexandra Klass

Date tagged:

05/22/2014, 13:40

Date published:

05/22/2014, 11:53