Bills & Legislation - "A bill to direct the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency to revise the policy of the Agency to address the threats of climate change, to include considerations of climate change in the strategic plan of the Agency, and for other purposes."

EPA - Knowledge Mosaic RSS 2020-01-22


Title: A bill to direct the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency to revise the policy of the Agency to address the threats of climate change, to include considerations of climate change in the strategic plan of the Agency, and for other purposes. Source: Bills & Legislation Data/Action: Introduced in Senate Date: 1/16/2020 Text Preview: ... Agency to address the threats of climate change, to include considerations of climate change in the strategic plan of the Agency, and for other... ...the Agency to address the threats of climate change, to include considerations of climate change in the strategic plan of the Agency, and for... ...may be cited as the “FEMA Climate Change Preparedness Act”. SEC. 2. Findings . Congress finds the following: (1) Under the previous administration...


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Berkeley Law Library -- Reference & Research Services » EPA - Knowledge Mosaic RSS
Berkeley Law Library -- Reference & Research Services » EPA disasters - Knowledge Mosaic RSS



Date tagged:

01/22/2020, 19:05

Date published:

01/16/2020, 03:00