Can Engineers and Scientists Ever Master "Complexity"?

Scientific American - Energy & Sustainability 2012-12-10


I'm pondering complexity again. The proximate cause is the December 11 launch at my school, Stevens Institute of Technology, of a Center for Complex Systems & Enterprises . The center's goal is "to enable deep understanding of complexity and create innovative approaches to managing complexity." This rhetoric reminds me of the Santa Fe Institute , a hotbed of research on complex systems, which I criticized in Scientific American in June 1995 in " From Complexity to Perplexity ." Speakers at the Stevens event include a mathematician I interviewed for that article, John Casti, who has long been associated with the Santa Fe Institute. The event's organizers asked a few professors in the College of Arts & Letters , my department, to offer some concluding comments on complexity. I jumped at the chance, because I'm fascinated by the premise of complexity studies, which is this: Common principles underpin diverse complex systems, from immune systems and brains to climates and stock markets. By discovering these principles, we can learn how to build much more potent, predictive models of complex systems. [More] Add to digg Add to StumbleUpon Add to Reddit Add to Facebook Add to Email this Article


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12/10/2012, 08:56