The San Diego Coastal Expedition: Zonation Zombies: Part 1 - The Seafloor Animals

Scientific American - Energy & Sustainability 2012-12-11


[caption id="attachment_3549" align="alignleft" width="296" caption="The author, Amanda Netburn, buried in sea urchins."] [/caption]Whew, I can't believe we've only been out here for two days! The Shelf and Midwater teams have combined to form the "Zonation Zombies". Zonation, because we all study the way that animals form layers in the ocean based on depth and environmental variables such as oxygen and temperature. Zombies, because, well, we work a lot in the middle of the night! The Zonation Zombies have been very busy- we have attempted 4 bottom trawls and one ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) dive. [More] Add to digg Add to StumbleUpon Add to Reddit Add to Facebook Add to Email this Article


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12/11/2012, 14:52

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12/11/2012, 13:23