La Biblioteca Digital de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires afianza su política de acceso abierto.
OlgaArias's bookmarks 2013-08-26
The Faculty of Natural and Exact Sciences (Universidad de Buenos Aires) approved on May 6 by Executive Council Resolution No. 727 ( authorization so that its Central Library digitizes all doctoral theses produced since its inception up to fifteen years backwards from current year. This implies the possibility that 5000 doctoral theses may be offered openly, making available to the whole society one of the main lines of the scientific production of the Faculty. Authors may express their desire that his/her thesis is not available through the Digital Library, in which case it will be withdrawn immediately. This will: * Enable immediate and unrestricted access to scientific knowledge produced in the Faculty since the creation of the first doctorates. * Increase the presence of the scientific production of the Faculty on the Web and the visibility of their authors. * Allow the addition of these Theses into databases and scientific harvesters and specialized search engines like Google Scholar. * Strengthen Faculty alignment with international trends on scientific publishing and the Open Access movement..