UK HEFCE Call for Comments: Open access and submissions to the REF post-2014 - Google Groups
Amsciforum 2013-02-26
Use the link to access the full text introduced of the HEFCE Call for Comments introduced as follows: "This letter notifies you of our intention to consult formally on the role of open-access publishing in the submission of outputs to the post-2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF). We would like some early input to help shape this consultation which will take place later this year. The consultation has no bearing on the 2014 REF.
The attached document sets out the developing intentions of the four UK higher education funding bodies. We invite you to comment and advise on a number of issues to inform the development of the consultation proposals.
Please send responses to, by 25 March 2013. We will consider all responses received by this deadline. We welcome responses from any person or organisation with an interest in these matters. Please make it clear in your response whether you are responding as an individual or on behalf of a group or organisation ..."